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Documentation > Getting Started


Last updated February 16, 2024

Before installing FusionCMS, make sure you've got everything you need:


  • A valid FusionCMS license key
  • Composer
  • A web server that meets FusionCMS' server requirements
  • An FTP client (we recommend Forklift)
  • MySQL access, either via a web-based tool like phpMyAdmin or a standalone app like Sequel Pro
  • Your favorite text editor
  • Your favorite beverage

Step One: Get the CMS

Fusion Downloader

We offer a convenient downloader that will download the latest stable version of FusionCMS in the directory of your choice. Before getting started, make sure you have the efellemedia/fusioncms-downloader package globally installed using Composer.

composer global require efellemedia/fusioncms-downloader


The FusionCMS downloader is only recommended for those on Mac or Linux systems. If you are using Windows, please install manually.

Registering Your Token

Now that you have the FusionCMS downloader, you need to register your FusionCMS registration token with the downloader. Once you have obtained a token, register it with the downloader using the register command:

fusion register token-value

If you would like to view the currently registered token, you may use the token command:

fusion token

Creating FusionCMS Projects

Once your FusionCMS downloader has been registered, you can run the new command to create new projects:

fusion new project-name

This command will create a new FusionCMS project in a directory matching the given project-name.


Download the latest stable release from GitHub, extract somewhere on your computer, and upload the contents to your server. FusionCMS expects the public directory to be your webroot, so you will need to configure your virtual host/server block to point to the public directory.

Step Two: Set the Permissions

At a minimum, FusionCMS needs to be able to write to a handful of directories on your server:

  • bootstrap/cache
  • modules
  • public/uploads
  • public/themes
  • storage


If you are setting up locally with Homestead, you don't need to worry about setting your permissions.

Step Three: Install Composer Dependencies


If you are using Homestead for local development, you will want to run the rest of the following commands from your Homestead virtual machine after SSH'ing in.

FusionCMS utilizes Composer to manage its dependencies. So, before continuing on, make sure you have Composer installed on your machine.

From the root directory of FusionCMS, run composer install to download and install all the required dependencies from your terminal:

$ composer install


You may be asked to enter your GitHub username and password during this process. This is simply due from hitting GitHub's API limit as an unauthenticated user.

Step Four: Run The FusionCMS Installer

Finally, use the following command to run the FusionCMS Console Installer from your project's root directory:

$ php artisan fusion:install

The Console Installer will walk you through the steps required to configuring FusionCMS for installation.

Step Five: Register License Key

Once FusionCMS is installed, log in under the administrator account, head to Settings, click the License tab, and enter your valid license key here.

Once registered, the CMS will be able to be updated either manually or automatically.