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Application Helpers

Last updated February 16, 2024

Available Methods

Method Listing


The app_installed method will return a boolean value based on if FusionCMS has been installed or not.

$installed = app_installed()

// true


The app_codename method returns the randomly generated site codename prefixed with the secret key.

$codename = app_codename()

// uxorious-particle-aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggghhhh


The app_memory_usage method returns the memory usage in a human readable format.

$usage = app_memory_usage()

// 2mb


The app_loading_time method returns the total loading time of the page request in a human readable format.

$time = app_loading_time()

// 0.08s


The human_filesize method returns the passed bytes in a human readable format.

$filesize = human_filesize(1030000);

// 1.03 MB


The render_markdown method compiles the given markdown string into HTML.

$html = render_markdown('# Hello World!');

// <h1>Hello World!</h1>