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Documentation > Theme Development


Last updated February 16, 2024

Blueprints are a powerful feature that compliments the Matrix module to quickly scaffold collections.


Blueprint's are simple YAML files bundled with your theme within a blueprints directory. Here's an example blog blueprint:

name: "Blog"
handle: "blog"
description: "Keep your users regularly updated with news and information in a more informal and conversational styled format."
route: "blog"
template: ""
    seoable: 1
    categorizable: 1
    navigatable: 1
    publishable: 1
    revisionable: 1
        name: "Posts"
        name_label: "Title"
        route: "{slug}"
        template: ""
                name: "Excerpt"
                type: "textarea"
                name: "Content"
                type: "wysiwyg"


Blueprints are structured in three "sections," each corrisponding to the three structures that make up the Matrix; Collection, Types, and Fields.

Key Takeaway

The YAML structure is a waterfall, starting at the top level container (collection) cascading down (types) to the minute details (fields). They key-value structure follows the same names as the field names within the HTML form for each of these sections.


The top level structure of the blueprint comprises of the Collection settings. Each blueprint contains the scaffolding for one and only one Collection.

name: "Blog"
handle: "blog"
description: "Keep your users regularly updated with news and information in a more informal and conversational styled format."
route: "blog"
template: ""
    seoable: 1
    categorizable: 1
    navigatable: 1
    publishable: 1
    revisionable: 1

Property Description Type
name Name of your collection. String
handle Handle of your collection; usually a sluggified version of the name. String
description Optional description of your collection. String
route Optional route for your collection's index. String
template Optional template for your collection's index. String
settings An array of configurable settings. Array (see below)

Settings Array

Each collection consists of the following settings:

Property Description Type
seoable If your collection requires SEO metadata. Boolean
categorizable If your collection entries should be categorizable. Boolean
navigatable If your collection should be navigatable from the Admin CP sidebar. Boolean
publishable If your collection needs the publish and expiration date fields. Boolean
revisionable If your collection entries should have their revision history stored. Boolean


Following the collection information comes types. Types are stored as an array, allowing you to define as many types as necessary within your collection.

        name: "Posts"
        name_label: "Title"
        route: "{slug}"
        template: ""

Each type should use the handle version of their name as their key value (e.g. the top-level posts in the above example), followed by the base information for the type:

Property Description Type
name Name of your type. String
name_label The label you wish to provide to the default name field. String
route The route pattern of your type, optional. String
template If a route is provided, define the index template. String


Fields are bundled with their associated type as a nested array.

        name: "Excerpt"
        type: "textarea"
        name: "Content"
        type: "wysiwyg"

Just as types, each field should use the handle version of their name as their key value followed by the base information for the field. Settings and attributes will be dependent on the fieldtype.

Property Description Type
name Name of your field. String
type The desired fieldtype of your field. String
group The group the field should fall under. Defaults to General. String
order The ordering of the field. Defaults to 0. Integer
attributes An array of configurable attributes for the given fieldtype. Array
validation An array of configurable validation rules for the given fieldtype. Array

Example Blueprints

The following are a couple examples of common blueprints for reference. Use these as a base if you are looking to manually creating your own blueprint.


name: "Blog"
handle: "blog"
description: "Keep your users regularly updated with news and information in a more informal and conversational styled format."
route: "blog"
template: ""
    seoable: 1
    categorizable: 1
    navigatable: 1
    publishable: 1
    revisionable: 1
        name: "Posts"
        name_label: "Title"
        route: "{slug}"
        template: ""
                name: "Excerpt"
                type: "textarea"
                name: "Content"
                type: "wysiwyg"


name: "Pages"
handle: "pages"
description: "Standard static pages for your website."
route: ""
template: "matrix.pages.index"
    seoable: 1
    categorizable: 0
    navigatable: 1
    publishable: 0
    revisionable: 1
        name: "Page"
        name_label: "Title"
        route: "{slug}"
        template: ""
                name: "Content"
                type: "wysiwyg"