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Documentation > Theme Development


Last updated February 16, 2024

The theme manifest file (theme.json) contains basic information such as the name of the theme, description, author, URL, version, and any other information you'd like to bundle with your theme. This information is used by the CMS to display and manage the available themes to choose from from the Admin CP.

The theme manifest file should be placed at the root of your theme's directory:

├─ themes/
   ├─ your-project/
      ├─ theme.json

The following fields are required within the manifest file:

Field Description
name Specifies the name of the theme.
slug The slugified version of the theme's name.
description Description of the theme and its intended use.
author Specifies the author of the theme.
url Specifies the author's website URL.
version Specifies the version of the theme.

In addition to the required fields above, you must also specify if the theme is a public facing theme, an admin theme, or both, by assigning true or false values to the following fields:

Field Description
public_theme Specifies if the theme is a public facing theme.
admin_theme Specifies if the theme is an Admin CP theme.

Example Manifest

Let's look at a complete example of the required fields below:

    "name": "Example",
    "slug": "example",
    "description": "An example multipurpose website theme.",
    "author": "John Doe",
    "url": "",
    "version": "1.0",
    "public_theme": true,
    "admin_theme": false