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Documentation > API > Version 1


Last updated February 16, 2024

Available Endpoints



Endpoint Listing


List matrix collections

List all matrix collections.

GET /api/v1/matrix
Query Parameters
Parameter Description Default
page Optional, the current page. 1
per_page Optional, categories per page, must be no greater than 100. 10

List associated matrix types

Fetch all types under the given matrix collection.

GET /api/v1/matrix/{collection}/types
Query Parameters
Parameter Description Default
page Optional, the current page. 1
per_page Optional, types per page, must be no greater than 100. 10

List associated category groups

List category groups associated with the given matrix collection.

GET /api/v1/matrix/{collection}/groups
Query Parameters
Parameter Description Default
page Optional, the current page. 1
per_page Optional, category groups per page, must be no greater than 100. 10

Get a single matrix collection

Get a single matrix collection by its slug.

GET /api/v1/matrix/{collection}


List matrix entries

List all entries under the given matrix collection and type.

GET /api/v1/matrix/{collection}/type/{type}/entries
Query Parameters
Parameter Description Default
page Optional, the current page. 1
per_page Optional, entries per page, must be no greater than 100. 10

List associated categories

List all categories associated with the given matrix entry by its slug.

GET /api/v1/matrix/{collection}/type/{type}/entries/{entry}/categories
Query Parameters
Parameter Description Default
page Optional, the current page. 1
per_page Optional, categories per page, must be no greater than 100. 10

Get a single matrix entry

Get a single matrix entry by its slug under the given matrix collection and type.

GET /api/v1/matrix/{collection}/type/{type}/entries/{entry}

Create a matrix entry

Create a matrix entry under the given matrix collection and type.

POST /api/v1/matrix/{collection}/type/{type}/entries

Edit a matrix entry

Edit an existing matrix entry by its ID under the given matrix collection and type.

PATCH /api/v1/matrix/{collection}/type/{type}/entries/{id}

Delete a matrix entry

Delete an existing matrix entry by its ID under the given matrix collection and type.

DELETE /api/v1/matrix/{collection}/type/{type}/entries/{id}